Life of a Student-Athlete

What does a student-athletes schedule look like?

We get a lot of questions from student-athletes and their families on what the average day in the life of a college golfer looks like. While every program is different, most follow similar schedules which we’ve created for you to see below. We wanted to give you a look at what an entire month would look like for the life of a student-athlete.

What does a student-athletes schedule look like?

This schedule only include responsibilities from the college coach; such as workouts, practices, travel days and tournaments. What is not included is each student’s class schedule, tutoring, study hall, additional practice and free time. 

life of a student-athlete

(If you need help reading the calendar, right click on the image & select “open in new tab.” If you are reading this on your phone & tablet, simply zoom in on the image.)

You might look at this calendar and think “wow, when am I going to have time to study or make friends?”, but there will be assistance from your academic advisors on how to manage each day.

What is an academic advisor?

An academic advisor is someone who is employed by the university and athletic department to assist athletes manage class schedules while also being a liaison between professors, coaches, and student-athlete. Academic advisors are the driving force behind student-athlete academic success. These hard working advisors continuously monitor player eligibility while helping make a plan for life after graduation.

Golfers in general miss more days of class than any other sport, so it is imperative that you are able to maintain an open communication line between your professors and be willing to work ahead in classes.

How can time management help?

We love to assist our student-athletes with tools to become better at time management – this is something that will make you more appealing to a college coach. The ability to juggle an extremely strenuous schedule is something that will only make your life easier both on and off the golf course.

Tips to help the student-athlete with time management:

  • Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)
  • Eliminate distractions
  • Use a planner – make to do lists
  • Schedule blocks throughout the day
  • Set time limits to complete tasks

We hope this calendar is a tiny insight into the life of a student-athlete.

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Path Fore Success is a junior golf recruiting service located in Pinehurst, North Carolina

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